Frequently Asked Questions

Browse questions and answers around the API related to pricing, account management and API features.


What is

+ offers a JSON-based REST API that supplies dependable and precise exchange rates for 168 global currencies and precious metals, all at a cost-effective rate. This makes it an ideal tool for startups and online businesses, as well as larger corporations requiring trustworthy financial data through a user-friendly interface. The API is extensively utilized to support financial departments, mobile apps, and back-office systems globally.

Who runs the API?

The API is a service created and upheld by XYZ Apps, a technology enterprise focused on developing an array of dependable and critical data interfaces (APIs). Their goal is to offer these services at an affordable cost, catering to both emerging startups and established larger companies. XYZ Apps has its headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey.

Data & Sources

How accurate is forex data, and where does it come from?

Our spot exchange rates are derived from a wide range of commercial entities and banks worldwide, each contributing data of various types and frequencies. We place a greater emphasis on commercial sources for major currencies, as they more accurately mirror the actual market trades. To guarantee the utmost accuracy and comprehensive data coverage, the system employs a unique 'validation and fallback' algorithm. This method assigns distinct priorities to each data source, meticulously verifying each forex rate as it is added to our databases. If a source is unable to provide a precise quote, we then consult the next highest-rated provider for that specific currency pair. This process helps us eliminate potential errors and offer most spot exchange rates with six decimal places of precision.

How often are exchange rates refreshed?

The data for spot exchange rates is gathered within a 60-second timeframe in the market. The frequency of updating these quotes varies based on your subscription level. For the Free Plan, quotes are refreshed daily, while the Basic Plan offers updates every 60 minutes. For those on the Professional Plan, updates occur every 10 minutes, and the Business Plan provides the most frequent updates, refreshing quotes every 60 seconds.

Which currency data does the API provide?

Depending on the API endpoint you choose for your query, the API will provide or compute using the most typical forex market rate, which is usually the "midpoint" value. This "mid" rate is especially valuable for your company's financial department, serving various purposes such as accounting & invoicing, financial forecasting or planning, and for use in calculator & converter applications, along with any other applications that utilize forex data. All exchange rates are delivered as currency pairs, as indicated in the API response.

Which currencies and precious metals are supported by the API?

The API offers both real-time and historical data for a total of 168 world currencies and precious metals, including Gold ("XAU") and Silver ("XAG"). For a comprehensive list of all supported currencies, refer to the detailed currency listing.

At which time are historical exchange rates made available?

The historical exchange rates from the previous day are accessible each day at 00:05 AM GMT (which is 12:05 AM London time) on In order to facilitate reverse rate conversions and ensure consistent comparisons, all rates are time-stamped at 23:59:59 GMT. Additionally, all timestamp values provided by the API conform to standard UTC timestamps.

API Access & Features

How do I get an API access key?

Every registered user receives a personal access key, a unique identifier for accessing and querying the API. If you're logged in, this key can be found in your Account Dashboard, within the 1 Step Quick Example, and in all interactive links in the API's Documentation. Additionally, you have the option to reset your access key at any time through your account dashboard.

What is an API Request?

Pricing for the API is determined by the number of monthly API Requests included in each Subscription Plan. Each instance of accessing any kind of forex data from with a valid API Access Key is counted as one "API Request." Differing from many other providers, any request for an API Endpoint or feature, including Time-Frame & Currency-Change Queries, as well as requests for multiple currencies simultaneously, is counted as just a single API Request.

What happens if I exceed my API Request volume?

Users of will receive automatic notifications via email and on their Account Dashboard when they have used at least 75%, 90%, and 100% of their allotted monthly API Requests. Upon reaching 100% of the allocated requests, overage fees will be incurred to ensure there are no disruptions and your website/application continues to operate smoothly. Further details about overage billing can be found in the relevant section of the website.

What is the API's uptime?

The system status of the API is meticulously monitored 24/7 to guarantee the highest level of availability and consistency. We take pride in maintaining an average uptime rate of nearly 100% (99.9%), a figure calculated over the past 12 months.A public API status page can be accessed at this URL:

Can I change the currency to which all exchange rates are relative to? (Source Currency)

Yes, if your subscription plan includes Source Currency Switching, you can utilize the 'source' parameter in the API. By setting this parameter to any supported 3-letter currency code, you can ensure that all returned exchange rate data is relative to that specified currency. For more detailed information, you can refer to the Source Currency Switching section in the API Documentation.

Can I limit the number of output currencies?

Indeed, you can request specific currencies through the API by using the "currencies" parameter followed by a comma-separated list of your chosen 3-letter currency codes. For more detailed guidance, refer to the Specify Output Currencies section in the API Documentation.

Can I request exchange rates for a specific time frame?

Yes, with the API's timeframe endpoint, you can request historical exchange rates for a specific time period of your choice, up to a maximum range of 3 years. For more information, please refer to the Time-Frame Queries section in the API Documentation.

Can I determine fluctuation data for a specific currency throughout a certain time period?

Yes, by utilizing the "change" endpoint of the API, you can request change parameters, including both margin and percentage, for one or more currencies in relation to a source currency. This can be done optionally within a defined time frame. For additional details, you can refer to the Currency-Change Queries section in the API Documentation.

Plans, Pricing & Payment

What is the difference between free and paid subscriptions?

The Free Plan of is designed as a "trial version" without a time limit, providing basic API functionalities. These include making API requests, receiving regular data updates, accessing historical data, and the ability to request specific currencies. The Paid Subscription Plans offer substantially higher volumes of API requests and data updates as frequently as every 60 seconds. They also ensure secure data streams through 256-bit HTTPS Encryption, provide unlimited and prioritized technical support, and include a range of essential API functionalities.

Which subscription plan fits my needs?

To test the API and familiarize yourself with the product, you can easily sign up for the Free Plan on Once your needs or those of your application exceed 1000 API requests per month, or you require more advanced API functionalities (such as for running a currency converter, accounting & invoicing, financial planning, estimates, shopping carts, etc.), it's recommended to consider one of the paid Subscription Plans. These plans start at a startup-friendly price of $4.00 per month.

Which payment methods are supported?

Payments for can be made using credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diner's Club, and American Express. Enterprise and high-volume customers have the option to request annual bank transfer payments. The payment method can be changed at any time in the "Payment" section of your account dashboard.

Can I also pay yearly?

Yes, opting for annual billing with can lead to significant savings. The total cost of your subscription plan, when billed annually, can be up to 50% less than what you would pay if you chose a monthly payment frequency.

How can I change my payment frequency?

If you require help with altering your billing frequency for, please feel free to reach out to us for assistance. We're here to help with any questions or concerns you may have.