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Exchange Rates API

With over 15 exchange rate data sources, the Exchangerates API is delivering exchanging rates data for more than 170 world currencies. This API has several endpoints, where each of them serves a different purpose, use case. The endpoints include functionalities like receiving the latest exchange rates information for a specific set, or for all currencies; conversion from one to another currency; receiving data Time-series for multiple or for one currency, and preserving the API daily for the fluctuation data.


The API has a unique identifier as an API key that gets passed into the API as a URL parameter access_key. This parameter serves as a unique identifying authentication with the Exchangerates API.

Base URL:


Copy Append your API Key: Append your API Key: See an example of how to authenticate the Exchangerates API with the access_key parameter: https


? access_key = API_KEY

API Response:

The delivered exchange rates with the API are, by default, connected to the Euro. The data gets returned in a standard JSON format and can easily be reparsed in any programming language.

Example Response: See below an example of an API response that provides information about several world currencies that are commonly used, all in connection with the Euro currency and time-stamped with time information of the collected information.

As we can see from the example above, when it is queried for exchange rates in real-time, the API response always contains a timestamp object, which is a standard UNIX timestamp that shows the time when the provided exchange rate information was collected. Also, we have a base object, which contains the short currency code of the currency, an object that contains the date when the given exchange rate information was collected, and rates object that contains the exchange rate data. Below, in the Endpoints section, we will discuss the API response structure more in detail. https

Available Endpoints

The API comes with a number of endpoints where each of them provides different functionality. Please have in mind that depending on your subscribed plan, some endpoints will be available and some may not be available.

Latest Rates Endpoint: This endpoint, depending on your subscription plan will return real-time exchange rate data which gets updated every 60 minutes, every 10 minutes, or every 60 seconds
Convert Endpoint: With this endpoint, we have any amount conversion from one currency to another.
Historical Rates Endpoint: This endpoint returns exchange rate data in real-time for all available currencies or for a given date frame.
Fluctuations Endpoint: This endpoint returns the fluctuation data between specified dates. The data can be for all available currencies or for a specific set.

SSL Connection

Every subscription plan on exchangeratesapi.net is with 256-bit SSL encryption. Simply use the https protocol instead of http in order to connect to the API through SSL.

Other Errors:

Error CodeDescription
404The requested resource does not exist.


Supported Currencies Endpoint

Scalar Documentation

The API comes with an updated endpoint that returns all of the available currencies. To receive the list, make an API request to the symbols endpoint.

API Request :


? access_key = API_KEY

Request Parameters

access_keyRequired documentation.yourAPIKey.

API Response :

Response Objects

Response ObjectDescription
successReturns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded
SymbolsReturns all supported currencies with their respective three-letter currency codes and names.

Latest Rates Endpoint

Scalar Documentation

This endpoint, depending on your subscription plan will return real-time exchange rate data which gets updated every 60 minutes, every 10 minutes, or every 60 seconds.

API Request :


? access_key = API_KEY

& base = USD

& symbols = GBP,JPY,EUR

Request Parameters

access_key[required] Your API Key.
base[optional] Enter the three-letter currency code of your preferred base currency..
symbols[optional] Enter a list of currency codes to limit output currencies

API Response :

Response Objects

successdepending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timestampReturns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected..
baseReturns the three-letter currency code of the base currency used for this request..
ratesReturns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Historical Rates Endpoint

Scalar Documentation

With this endpoint we have the possibility to see historical rates of the currencies back to 1999, most of the currencies data are available until 1999. You can query the Exchangerates API for historical rates by appending a start date and an end date (format YYYY-MM-DD ) ) to the base URL. Maximum time frame is 365 days..

API Request :


? access_key = API_KEY

& start_date=2021-01-01

& end_date=2021-02-01

Request Parameters

start_date[required] Start date in the past for which historical rates are requested
end_date[required] End date in the past for which historical rates are requested
access_key[required] Your API Key.
base[optional] Enter the three-letter currency code of your preferred base currency..
currency_codes[optional] Enter a list of currency codes to limit output currencies

API Response :


"base": "USD"

"success": true,

"start_date": "2021-01-01",

"end_date": "2021-02-01",

"rates": {

"2021-01-01": {

"AED": 3.673204,

"AFN": 77.571739


"2021-01-02": {

"AED": 3.673204,

"AFN": 77.571739


"2021-01-03": {

"AED": 3.67291,

"AFN": 77.571739




Response Objects

Response ObjectDescription
successReturns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded
start_dateReturns the start date for which historical rates were requested.
end_dateReturns the end date for which historical rates were requested.
timestampReturns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected..
baseReturns the three-letter currency code of the base currency used for this request..
ratesReturns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested. Object will contain dates between start and end date. Each date will contain rates object with the exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Convert Endpoint

Scalar Documentation

This is a separate endpoint for currency conversion that comes with the Exchangerates API and can be used toconvert an amount from one currency to another. Please use this API endpoint for the conversion of any currency.
It is also possible to convert currencies using historical exchange rate data. To do this, please also use the API'sdate PARAMETERand set it to your preferred date. (format YYYY-MM-DD).

API Request :


? access_key=API_KEY

& from=GBP

& to=JPY

& amount=25

Request Parameters

access_key[required] Your API Key.
from[required] The three-letter currency code of the currency you would like to convert from.
to[required] The three-letter currency code of the currency you would like to convert to.
amount[required] The amount to be converted.
date[optional] Specify a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to use historical rates for this conversion.

API Response :


"result": 4801.337299,

"historical": false,

"date": "2024-05-04",

"success": true,


Response Objects

Response ObjectDescription
successReturns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded
historicalReturns true if historical rates are used for this conversion.
dateReturns the date (format YYYY-MM-DD) used for this conversion.
resultReturns your conversion result.

Fluctuations Endpoint

Scalar Documentation

With the fluctuation API endpoint, you can receive information about the currency'sfluctuation on a day-to-day basis. To be able to use this feature, add thestart_date and end_date and select which currencies (currency_code) you would like to receive info for from the API..

API Request :


? access_key=API_KEY

& start_date=2020-12-01

& end_date=2022-12-24

Request Parameters

access_key[required] Your API Key.
start_date[required] The start date of your preferred fluctuation timeframe.
end_date[required] The end date of your preferred fluctuation timeframe.
base[optional] Enter the three-letter currency code of your preferred base currency..
currency_codes[optional] Enter a list of currency codes to limit output currencies

API Response :


"base": "USD",

"success": true,

"start_date": "2021-01-01",

"end_date": "2022-01-02",

"rates": {

"AED": {

"start_rate": 3.673204,

"end_rate": 3.67298,

"change": -0.00022400000000022402,

"change_pct": -0.006098218340179963





Response Objects

Response ObjectDescription
successReturns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded
start_dateThe start date of your time frame.
end_dateThe end date of your time frame.
baseReturns the three-letter currency code of the base currency used for this request..
rateReturns fluctuation date for the given date frames.
rates > start_rateReturns the exchange collected on your start date.
rates > end_rateReturns the exchange collected on your end date.
rates > changeReturns the change (decimal number) of the given currency rate between your start and end date.
rates > change_pctReturns the percentage change of the given currency rate between your start and end date.

Specify Currency Codes

In order to have reduced bandwidth, you can limit the number of output currencies to a specific set of your choice on most API endpoints. To do this, simply append the Exchangerates API's currency_codesparameter to your API request.

Example :


? access_key=API_KEY

& currency_codes=USD&currency_codes=EUR

The API's response for the request above will be limited to the currencies USD and EUR.

Changing Base Currency

Provided changing base currency is supported on your subscription plan, you can change the currency to which your output currency rates are relative to by appending the base parameter to your API request URL and setting it to the three-letter code of your preferred base currency.

Example :


? access_key=API_KEY

& base=EUR

Please note: The default base currency is USD.

Sample Code

For examples of the available requests, please visit our scalar documentation page.

How will I be charged for my API subscription?

You will be charged for your monthly subscription plan, plus any overage fees applied. Your credit card will be billed after the billing period has ended.

I would like to upgrade my plan. How can I do that?

You can easily upgrade your plan by going to your Dashboard and selecting the new plan that would be more suitable for your business needs. Additionally, you may contact your.